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OKRs and Goals Management

Goal management: benefits and tips for implementing

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Goal management is the process of setting goals/expectations, tracking, measuring, registering learning, and setting new goals/expectations, tracking, measuring, and so on. When goals are tracked, the performance of the members of a team improves - and, consequently, so does the performance of the organization as a whole. Keep reading and learn more!

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Goal cycles: how do they work?

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In this article, we discuss the factors that must be considered for a company to define the length of its goal cycle, provide an analysis of the pros and cons of shorter and longer cycles, and mention influencing factors - company maturity and industry, for example.

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Introducing OKRs, From Mission to Action

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Since starting Qulture.Rocks, we've noticed a gigantic opportunity in helping companies implement some system that could serve as a management backbone around which everything in the company could revolve and organize.

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Rationale for OKRs: understand what it is and how to execute

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As we know, OKRs are systems of collective and individual goals that converge in pursuit of the organization's overall goals. Among its differentials that contribute to its great acceptance, adaptability to different realities can be highlighted as one of the main ones.

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OKRs: What They Are and How to Implement Them

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OKRs are a system of collective and individual goals that converge in the pursuit of an organization's overall goals. The simplicity and transparency of OKRs and their effects on team focus and motivation made OKRs quickly popular, especially among technology companies in Silicon Valley.

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