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Startups and Strategy

What is strategy?

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Organizational strategy is the sequence of steps your organization needs to take to achieve its mission, and why this sequence is the best among alternatives in the path to fulfilling its mission.

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On the "sport" of startups

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Founding and running a startup is kind of a sport of its own when compared to founding and running other types of companies (e.g., "lifestyle businesses" [2], restaurants, etc.), just like running 100m sprints at the Olympics is a discipline of its own, when compared to, for example, running marathons competitively, running the half-marathon of half-Ironmans as a hobby, or jogging on weekends to lose weight.

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Product-market fit: what, why, and how

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If we agree to use "product-market fit" meaning "product/great-market fit," it's easy to see why it's an important thing to achieve: it is the recipe for building a large venture-backed company.

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Stock options: what they are and what they reward

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Stock options are widely used as employee compensation tools in two big areas: public companies and private technology startups. In this article, we discuss a bit of their use in technology startups, especially in Silicon Valley.

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