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OKRs and Goals Management

Using OKRs to Write New Year's Resolutions

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We're definitely not fans of using metaphors and analogies to talk about OKRs, since we think there's a huge risk of not getting the right concepts through to people, but in this case, I think actually tying OKRs to themes closer to people's day to day realities may actually have positive effects on their understanding of what OKRs are and aren't.

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Introducing Projects: The missing link in OKRs

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We believe OKRs, when well managed, can make or break the success of an organization. And since our mission is to help organizations of all sizes accomplish more, we thought an amazing OKRs feature would make all the difference for our customers.

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What’s different in OKRs

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OKRs are goals. So why all the fuzz? Great point. OKRs are an adaptation of the traditional practice of MBOs suited to the more unstable and competitive reality of today's companies. Given this, let's understand the main differences between what you see Fortune 500 companies doing and what we know as OKRs.

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A Brief History of Objectives and Key Results

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OKRs are an old staple of business management, rebranded, repurposed, and tweaked to 21st century necessities of companies and professionals.It all started with the fathers of management: Taylor, Ford, and the sorts, who began treating business like a science.

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